
10 ways to save money when you have kids

  1. Take them to parks instead of shopping malls. If they don't see the temptations, they don't want them. If they don't want them, no temper tantrums to deal with, no fighting with yourself over whether or not to spend the money to keep them quiet etc. Just avoid getting into potential trouble in the first place.
  2. Watch DVDs instead of turning on the TV. You get to control what they watch. You don't have to worry about adult advertisements coming on at the wrong time. You don't have to worry about commercials telling them what they really need to get you to buy for them.
  3. Borrow books from the library instead of buying them. How many times do you really want to read Piggywiggy goes to Space anyway ? Also saves you having to move to a bigger house because you have run out of storage space for the books.
  4. Return you DVDs and library books on time !! Don't waste money on fines !!
  5. Kids don't really have to be in branded clothes. The in-house brands are perfectly acceptable. They outgrow them so quickly anyway.
  6. For that matter, kids don't need new clothes all the time. Go to garage sales, learn to shop on e-bay, heck, accept hand-me-downs and be grateful. who knows, you can get some really good branded stuff for less than what you would pay for a new no-brand suit !
  7. Get toys with multiple functions. I find blocks, legos or those things that allow kids to link things are great. That way, when they go through a train phase, a gun phase, a car phase, a castle phase, a sea creature phase, or whatever, they just build the toys they want !
  8. Be creative ! Kids usually prefer the boxes that their presents came in anyway. Use old boxes, paper, egg cartons, whatever. Make toys with them. They play just as long with them as the train set you spent $100 on.
  9. Don't use toys as bribes or rewards. Think of other things they like. Offer a trip to the zoo, bake a cake with them or something.
  10. Put them to work. Mine aren't old enough to realise the difference between play and work so getting to mop the floor with a real wet mop is a real treat ! They've spent hours just with a little bucket and their own cloths wiping up things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right about needing to save money by borrowing books instead of buying them. BookSwim.com - www.bookswim.com, an online book rental company, allows for unlimited rentals delivered to your home for a low monthly fee. Shipping is free and there are no late fees. This is one the best ways to grab all the latest books without having to spend the $20-$30 for each!!

Just my 2 cents.

-George Burke